Monday, 29 February 2016

132 everyday treasure

When you pay attention
Even the most
Commonplace thing
Is revealed as
A unique and precious treasure

©Kim Magennis 2016

Friday, 26 February 2016

131 currency

If I show you affection,
Will you feed me?

If I cater to your needs
Will you shelter me?

If I appreciate you
Will you defend me?

What is the currency of our love?

©Kim Magennis 2016

Thursday, 25 February 2016

130 community

The most profound truths of life
Are discovered
In community

When we rub shoulders
We find all the
Sharp edges
Of our beliefs

We gather around ourselves
Those who support
Our world view

Who have you
Drawn to you
On this journey?

©Kim Magennis 2016

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

128 comfort

My pack heart
seeks out
My spirit mates

in them I find
of who I could be

©Kim Magennis 2016

Monday, 22 February 2016

127 wonder

in the end

we should not be measured
by the size
of our achievements, or wealth, or fame

but, rather, 

we should be measured
by the size
of the wonder we infused
into all of our earthly days

Friday, 19 February 2016

126 magic architecture

we look at the product
and marvel

execution, structure, expression,

and the architect
scuttles away
to friendlier climes

©Kim Magennis 2016

Thursday, 18 February 2016

125 sculpture

alabaster cries in envy

the fluid flow
of flesh
and bone
by its very own nature

always building illusions
of great beauty

yet never housing

©Kim Magennis 2016

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

124 jungle dream

Leopard Cat

what part of you
is hiding out
in the jungle of your mind?

is it shy and reclusive?
or is it hungry and predatory?

where has your wildness gone?

©Kim Magennis 2016

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

123 natures palette

the hues of  natural life
are endless

we don the grey of industry
and bury ourselves in the black of waste

the colour in our souls
the light
from our minds

©Kim Magennis 2016

Monday, 15 February 2016

122 cathedral

sacred cathedral
carved by mystic wave

a place where 
adamant rock and relentless ocean 
create a place 
to worship
the magic forces of life and death

©Kim Magennis 2016