Saturday, 27 June 2015

0016 The King

Adamantly wild
un-apologetically free
the rain cares not

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 25 June 2015

0015 Mother-Love 01

to be held in love
such sweet surrender
in jaws of death and life

©Kim Magennis 2015

0014 Feathered Foes

prime property
a suite with a view
hotly contested

©Kim Magennis 2015

0013 Reversal

the hunter is the hunted, 
she slinks and hides from 
jaws and stones of steel

©Kim Magennis 2015

0012 Heroic Navigator

Intrepid green explorer
this flower-laden, watery unknown

©Kim Magennis 2015

0011 Snow Sparring

Golden snow mates
scuffle and dispute
a crisp breeze ruffles fur

©Kim Magennis 2015

0010 Green Knight

On my valiant steed
I dash across vales of green
And tilt at daisies 

©Kim Magennis 2015