Thursday, 31 December 2015

105 rainbows

Rainbows arch gracefully
Over hill and vale.
We know
They exist only
We can see them.

Rainbows glisten and glow
Through golden air.
And yet

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

104 fragments

Each of us
Is a single
Of the whole.
A piece
Of the universe
Expressing itself
In strange and creative

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

103 viewpoint

It is how you
A thing
That gives it meaning.


©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 28 December 2015

102 cultural norms

Much of our opinion
Is shaped by the
Prejudices and biases
Of those gone before us.

we awaken enough
to see in each other
the magic that is.

we are present enough
to be with each other
with honour and grace.

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 4 December 2015

101 practice

we envy the apparently effortless 
of genius

and yet
we avoid the exercise of greatness

there is infinite wisdom
in the art of

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 3 December 2015

100 union

With every heart
That swells with joy
Our planet

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

099 attention

Every day
Life expresses itself
With an extravagant beauty
No audience
Ever sees

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

098 enlightened

To reach
We need to grow tall

To stand
In our truth
And reach
For our dreams
Is our soul purpose

Monday, 30 November 2015

097 seeing

The mysteries of life
Present themselves
In quiet moments of 

When we slow down
To actually 
Only then 
can we embrace 
the wonder
Of recognising things
As they are

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 21 November 2015

096 beauty

one day
when all is cement grey
will we remember that we
failed to make the choice?

to protect and defend the inhabitants of this planet
is more than to accommodate rapacious man

to lose their light
is to lose our souls

when all is lost, who will we blame?

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 20 November 2015

095 witness

do you really think
that what you do
has no
cosmic repercussions?

do you really think
that you walk
away from your destruction and lies?

the whole of the universe
watches and judges
the whole of the planet
writhes and contorts

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 19 November 2015

094 weeds

the inconvenient truth
pops up
long after
heated conversation
and smothering legislation
misdirect and deflect


A weed in the path

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

093 the edge of the world

at the edges of our world
we pause and wonder.
we observe and imagine
the mysteries of the deep.
waves churn,
creating again.
the planet swells and shrinks
with the breathing of the oceans.
we pollute and lay waste
the ocean shrugs and heaves.

it has seen countless eons and 
will continue to do so 
long after we are gone

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

092 fire in the sky

we humans think we rule the world.
when we truly look at the sky
and read its signs
we realise that
the might we yield,
the chaos we author,
 is a mere instant
of inconsequential self-grandeur

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 16 November 2015

091 plenty

when ruled by
need, and not greed
we experience the
great bounty
that already exists in the universe

when ruled by
greed, and not need
even the richest crop
will not be enough

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

090 genius

when creative power
leaks from the sky
the air crackles and sparkles

also when it
in our souls

our imagination
breaks from this mortal plane
all limitation

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

089 otherworld

magical fairy tale kingdoms
in the corners 
of reality

those places made strange
by their
shape and form
open our eyes
to imagination

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 9 November 2015

088 flow

awash with inspiration
water tumbles
from sky
through stream
from fall

brilliant in clarity
clouded with confusion

a reservoir
unlimited imagination
to create
to carve

profound in one thing
to live
is to move

©Kim Magennis 2015

Sunday, 8 November 2015

087 soul child

in our collective soul
there dwells
an unloved, vulnerable child

frail, beautiful, reclusive, ephemeral

this child can call from us
the greatest of our collective genius

©Kim Magennis 2015

086 child-wise

Unimpeded by expectation
our children
see it like it is

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 7 November 2015

085 extemporization

attention and improvisation

the elegant solution
does not lie in
wishing problems away

life soars to accomplishment
when limitations
are embraced
and mastered

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 6 November 2015

084 vanquish

to wrestle
with our inner demons

requires of us
to remember who we are

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 5 November 2015

083 playmates

in the purity
of infanthood
there are only peers

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

082 unexpected

stares from non-human eyes

shines in non-human embrace

flow from non-human eyes

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

081 incorrigible

has a way
of doing things
that ignores the way 
think it should

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 2 November 2015

080 pristine perfection

fairy tale lines
whisper of grace

feathers of ice
encase beauty

the gregarious green of spring
the fruited fire of autumn

the pristine perfection
of winter's design

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

079 higher ground

what dark imagining
urges us
to slink in shadows?
why do so few dare
to rend the clouds
and reach
realms angelic?

Sunday, 11 October 2015

078 majestic

when we 
embrace who we are

we soar to those heights
where dwell

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 10 October 2015

077 home

to some
the icy heave and thrash of the ocean
is more home
than gentle rolling dunes of the beach

each soul
finds the home
that fills it with ease

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 9 October 2015

076 humble beginnings

From time immemorial
The pattern is set
Loving guidance of trembling step
Returned again
from parent 
to child 
to parent

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 8 October 2015

075 taking the wave

The thrill and rush
Of living on the edge
Sweetens each breath
Of an adventuresome life

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

074 because I can

not all servitude

there is great joy
lovingly giving

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

073 big brother

there are times
the comfort of friends
allows us
to rest in peace

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 5 October 2015

072 well met

Kindred spirits
grace the pages
of our story

Ourselves in another mind
a friend of the best kind

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 3 October 2015

071 lucky

Luck achieved 
is in the
Eye of the Beholder.

Should I play it safe?
Or should I be bolder?

Luck received
is always
Luck believed

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 14 September 2015

070 family ties

the sweetest sensibilities
of hearth and home
are cherished
and nurtured
in many forms

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 12 September 2015

069 icy seas

All commercial rights to photo  retained by JDN Photography 
click above to visit his website
what will people
make of ancient images

will they disbelieve?
will they marvel or grieve?

when this world grows hot and dry
will they dream of snow and ice?

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 11 September 2015

068 carvings

we give great honour
to carvers of wood and stone

we admire proportions
and texture and tone

that nature was the first
master carver

with subtle tools
and infinite patience
she outdoes the least of her creatures

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 10 September 2015

067 icefall

we look to the stars for mystery and grandeur
when right before our eyes
the miracle of water
a crystal sculpture
of light

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

066 mother-love 04

how precious
to this one's heart
is her child

how pure
is this one's love

That she is not like me
can never devalue
the currency
of her mother-love

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

065 beauty aloft

we take the things we
for granted
and assume our experience of them
all there is

even those things we
are wondrously strange 
if we see them
as really they are

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 7 September 2015

064 gentle conversations

gentleness and affection
are not
exclusively human conversations

mankind is apt
to think
it created
the finer emotions

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 5 September 2015

063 storm

as a storm brings rain
chaos brings change

©Kim Magennis 2015

Friday, 4 September 2015

062 clouds

Great cloud sculptures
adorn the sky
unperturbed by human scurryings

Like vast pillars of  ocean foam
they drift,
coagulate and then dissolve.

they shiver with power
and bless the land with their tears.

©Kim Magennis 2015

Thursday, 3 September 2015

061 habituation

The thing about beauty-perceived
is that 
when there is a lot of it 
we become blind to it.

Because it is not rare
we forget to care.

©Kim Magennis 2015

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

060 lovers

Lovers on the dance floor
- a universal mating ritual -
Observe the intricate steps of
defense and attack
and ultimate surrender.
Lover and Loved
parry and block
regroup and engage again.

©Kim Magennis 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

059 water ballet

Context is everything.
If we offer the right environment,
anyone can be 
graceful, elegant, and beautiful.

The converse applies.
Even the most magnificent soul
can be diminished
if it is out of place.

©Kim Magennis 2015

Monday, 31 August 2015

058 What You See Is What You Get

Humankind's greatest foolishness
lies in thinking that
with Nature
What You See Is What You Get

©Kim Magennis 2015

Sunday, 30 August 2015

057 wild

feral friends
are a window to a different reality

they remind us
what it is to be free

feral friends
are a mirror for our souls

they show us how 
we have sold ourselves for security

©Kim Magennis 2015

Saturday, 29 August 2015

056 bliss

to reach beyond the cramped confines of now
into the unlimited breath outside of ourselves
is to know the bliss
of a really good stretch

©Kim Magennis 2015